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Triple Double, Rebounds, Back Courts and Techs? If any of these sound unfamiliar then this course is for you. From the new fan to the mom looking to brush up on her point guard knowledge to those just needing a reminder on the game. This is where you want to start.


Basketball 101: For Beginners


A guide created to help you understand the basics of basketball. From player positions to common refs calls; throw in a little basketball history and how to read a score board. Basically, it's everything that you need to know to understand the foundation of basketball so you can get on your way to watching and understanding the game.

This Basketball 101 e-course is designed to help increase your knowledge about football in a fun, easy-to-understand manner and at your preferred pace.


Who this course is for:

  • Parents who need to learn more about a sport because of their child's participation in that sport.

  • Business executives who are trying to master a sport from a business networking perspective.

  • Those who wish to know more about sports for a social or cultural perspective

  • Those who have some knowledge about sports but want to refresh that knowledge.


If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place. This course should take you about 45 minutes to complete and is packed with the basic information you need to start understanding and most of all, enjoying basketball.

Want more? Check out the links below to learn more about basketball - from the basketball court, to common terms, to extras like understanding game time and finding out when your favorite team is playing!

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