Welcome to CleatSheet: Understanding the X's and O's of Sports
Hey there, we're new in town, so allow us to introduce ourselves. We're CleatSheet and we've taken on the charge of helping you learn sports. The way we see it, everyone could like sports. We recognize that some people are going to hate sports no matter what, and that's fine - we accept it - and we won't banish you to an island - so long as you don't talk during the game. For those of who you wouldn't mind learning about sports, but want to do it in a less intimidating or ridiculed way - then this is the place to be! WELCOME!

18So let's talk about what CleatSheet is:
it is a place where you can learn sports - we create courses that teach the basics of sports
it is a lifestyle blog that encompasses all that is great about sports
it is geared toward women but we enjoy men being apart of our community as well
it is here to help YOU learn the x's and o's of sports by providing you with audio/visual influenced courses based on the way that you learn best. We even have quizzes to test your knowledge and how well you're learning
it is a place where you can ask questions about sports and get them answered in a supportive community
it is a no judgement zone, we are here to help you learn so you can join in the game watching fun
it is a place that gives you a 360 view of sports - created by women for women
it is a place that highlights and recognizes athletic greatness in all forms: physical and emotional
What CleatSheet is not:
it is not a place that is full of analytics and percentages
it is not a place that is a rival to the likes of ESPN or Bleacher Report or some of the others - you won't get up to the minute stats on your favorite teams because if that's your thing, then our courses are probably a bit too elementary for you
it is not a one trick pony - not only do we offer courses, but we're a lifestyle blog too - we're well rounded. Want to know how to wear your team colors well, how to plan the best Super Bowl party, how to tell the difference between a safety and a safety (you might need the course to get this one), want to know how players give back and who is breaking barriers and stereotypes at the same time? You're right where you're supposed to be
Simply, CleatSheet is here to help you. We started this website because we enjoyed sports and realized that our friends did not which doesn't always make for a fun friendly outing. Not because they didn't want to know about sports, they just didn't UNDERSTAND sports. So we gave them the tools to learn and the space to ask questions. Combined, that allowed them to enjoy watching sports and some have even adopted their own teams to support, although their taste in teams doesn't always agree with ours.
So join us, let us give you the tools to learn sports and there is more than enough space for you to ask questions. Join us as we make sports fun for everyone. We love having you be a part of our squad!
Bring your friends!